Monitoring Children’s Progress

Monitoring Children’s Progress at Belmont Farm Nursery School

At Belmont Farm Nursery School we monitor our children’s progress in a variety of different ways.

These include:

  • Parent starting point observation when a child starts with us
  • Baseline report completed by the key worker after the child has been with us for 6 weeks 
  • Observations every 6-8 weeks based on their next steps
  • Termly discussions with key workers around what the children in each class are doing well and working on
  • Two year checks completed when the child turns 2 and a half
  • Transition reports completed by the key worker, before moving to the next class
  • School reports completed before they transition to reception 
  • Four parents evenings a year to communicate with parents on how they feel their child is developing

We are always observing and challenging the children to reach their next steps in their learning. If at any point we feel a child needs early intervention or any additional support, we would complete a series of observations and interventions on site, as well as discussing with the parent any ways they can also help at home. If needed our school SENCO is available to help with any external agencies.