
Well-Being at Belmont Farm Nursery School

The forefront of Belmont Farm Nursery School is our belief in supporting the health and wellbeing for children, parents, and staff.  

At Belmont Farm Nursery School we use a holistic approach to well-being for the children, as children’s mental health, resilience and self confidence is of the upmost importance to us.  We focus on emotion regulation through a variety of activities, stories and conversations. We spend a large amount of time outside during the sessions which aids physical well-being alongside emotional well-being. We work with Healthy Early Years London to develop nutritious meals for the children to have a well balanced day. 

In Addition, with the growing demand of social media and the effect of this on the younger generation we know that there is a huge importance on making sure that we have robust measures in place to support everyone with their well-being. Internet safety classes are also led yearly for parents and also in the older classrooms and a tip sheet handed out to parents afterwards.

Well-being is promoted in a variety of ways within the setting. For our children this is embedded throughout their routine. Our staff initiative includes training, perk box staff benefits and having a designated wellbeing officer. Management have an open door policy for staff and parents. Our Nursery Principal is trained as a mental health first aid responder. Parents also have access to parent classes every month and have play and stay sessions to feel part of the nursery community.